BYUI Garden Spring Blossoms and Garden Engagements Rexburg
These two are getting married today and I thought it was about time to share their spring engagements that we did at the BYUI Gardens (Thomas E. Ricks Gardens) in Rexburg Idaho with all the spring cherry blossoms. My first impression of them was that they were a genuinely in love couple. They have an easy way they interact with each other and it seems simple for them to be together. You just feel good being with them. As we walked around the BYUI Gardens finding different flowers and backgrounds I had so much fun learning about their love story. I had Morgan write about their love story. Be sure to check it out below.

The Love Story: Nick and Morgan
“Nick and I were introduced in August of 220 by my best friend from grade school. She works with Nick, and texted me asking if she could give him my number. Nick and I texted for a few weeks, getting to know one another through messages. We bonded over our mutual love of delicious food. I even made a list of local restaurants he hadn’t tried and told him we should go to each of them. He finally asked me out on our first date in September and then cancelled because he wasn’t feeling well. I told myself he had already blown it, but he was adamant we reschedule. So a couple weeks later we met up at one of our now-favorite restaurants, Puerto Escondido. We ate and talked about a lot of things. I remember thinking “this guy’s hair is way too long for my liking!” (He had extremely long hair when we met!) He hooked me with those steak tacos, and from then on out, we were pretty inseparable. We bonded over deep conversation, Nick cutting his hair in December, and more restaurant visits.

We became “official” on January 3rd and started talking about marriage a few months later. I was determined to have all my questions answered and all my doubts put to rest before a proposal, so I made him wait a year to propose. He finally asked me (at that point I was anxiously waiting for a ring) on February 4th, a year and a month and a day since becoming official. He asked me by creating a fun video game with nods to our relationship, and ended it with the DisneyWorld castle and fireworks playing in the background. My family was pretty great about keeping the proposal a secret. It was such a sweet evening for us! I am so excited to marry this man! I can’t believe we were ever strangers. He feels like home to me! A piece I knew was missing! ” -Morgan

I am so thrilled I get to be part of this couple’s beginning. I love the way they look at each other and smile. Thank you Morgan and Nick!! I sure love you guys.
Spring is my favorite time to do photos at BYUI gardens for engagements, formals, or families.
Be sure to check out these cuddly snowy engagements if you want to see more of my work: Island Park Engagements | Sydney and Caleb