Setting the Scene: The Red Barn Event Center Summer Evening
The sweet smell of donuts, the slightly chilly air pricking your skin, dancing music playing in the background among the sounds of conversation and laughter, and smiling people milling around greeting a bride and groom. Thinking back to Sierra and Payton’s summer wedding at The Red Barn Events Center in Blackfoot makes me long for those sweet nights in the summer where the world seems to slow down just a bit and people seem to matter more.
Wedding Day
I adore these two. In my less busy season in winter, I have time to reflect on the couples that come into my life and how names on paper turn into faces and then into people who I get to see love, get married, and start families. People that I learn to adore by seeing them love, I get to see start their lives together and grow along with me. I’m getting sentimental in my old age. Haha. Seriously though Sierra and Payton were the perfect mixture of beauty and laughter. Payton kept me on my toes with his humor. Sierra is just like me in terms of finding the details and planning.

Their country themed wedding at the Red Barn Events Center in Blackfoot was a beautiful, warm day in September. They had an outside wedding under the trees in the back of the venue overlooking fields. Sierra had rust red, dusty rose, and beige wooden flowers. Both involved in the police force for work, they dated long distance for a year.

Trudi Day with Meraki Artisty did Sierra’s makeup for both her wedding day and her bridals and did a fabulous job bringing out her natural beauty.

One of my favorite suggestions to my couples is to do a formal session either before or after the wedding. Ask any couple and they will tell you that the wedding day flys by so fast. Taking time for photos, can take you away from family that has traveled to see you and friends that want to party with you. I always recommend doing a session with me, just us, on another day in the best light and getting stunning images that you can look at for years to come. I loved Sierra’s dress and thought the Grand Teton mountains would be the best location for her and Payton’s formal photos. I love the pink we got on the Tetons and the gorgeous colors we got in the summer greenery around Driggs, Idaho.

Thank you Sierra and Payton for the wonderful experience of seeing your love. I cherish the memories.
Want to see more weddings check out Caleb and Sydney’s wedding here.